Bestselling author of over 50 books, star of “The Secret” movie, singer/songwriter and popular Nightingale-Conant creator Dr. Joe Vitale has been keeping a hypnotic secret for eight long years …
HYPNOTIC GOLD: Success Secrets from the Valley of the Kings REVEALED!

In the next few moments… I'll reveal a private source of Hypnotic secrets that have built outrageous marketing empires, created INSTANT media celebrities – and fueled the lifestyles of the rich and famous – all without curses, killer fungus – and DEFINITELY no Tana leaves!
Until now these Hypnotic success secrets have been under lock and key revealed by exclusive membership – ONLY! But today, I'm cracking the seal on the Vitale Vault, displaying my treasure trove for the first time in 8 years:
Fellow Success Seeker,
Can you see anything?
Plunging his flickering candle through the small opening at the top of an immense door, Howard Carter was on the verge of the greatest archaeological discovery in history. Until this moment, he had very little to show for the past five years of digging in the Valley of the Kings.
Peering into the black space beyond, strange and wondrous shapes formed as his eyes adjusted. Darkness gave way to a swirling grey mist, and out of this fog shown the hypnotic glint of gold – EVERYWHERE!
Shaking, Carter could barely speak the now famous words, Yes, wonderful things!
Of course, I'm talking about the discovery of King Tuts tomb – but you knew that!
Can you imagine for a moment what it was like that day? Carter, an experienced archaeologist, had never seen anything like what was waiting just on the other side of that big door. He'd spent five long years digging in the hot sands of Egypt – with almost no reward.
His sponsor was ready to give up, but Carter persuaded him to go one more season …
Maybe you've been there.
You've struggled to get your business off the ground. Fighting for every dollar, you're no closer to your goal today than yesterday. You're starting to wonder if you're even cut out to be an entrepreneur at all!
You won't give up, so you press on, toiling in the sands of mediocrity – seeking your big break.
Have faith … because like Carter, there's something wonderful waiting for you on the other side of THIS door …
Imagine the power of having the:
- Backstage insights
- Rock stars' confidence
- Millionaires secret handshake
- Missing piece to the success puzzle
- Key information you need to become a VIP in your own life

Perhaps you've enjoyed success, but you just can't get your business to the next level. Try as you will, there's something missing. What's holding you back?
You're making money … earning a living … but you know down deep in your bones you could be doing so much more – and you feel like you're right there – scratching at the door that never opens.
Could it be, like Carter on that fateful day in November, you too are on the verge of a BREAKTHROUGH?! What will it take for you to burst mightily through that door to YOUR wealthy place of wonderful things and unparalleled success?!
Could the answer be sitting behind THIS door…?
Hi, I'm Joe Vitale, star of hit movie, “The Secret,” bestselling author of over 30 books including There's a Customer Born Every Minute, The Attractor Factor and Faith, and creator of such popular Nightingale-Conant programs as “The Power of Outrageous Marketing” and “The Secret to Attracting Money” – and I've got a little confession …
Right now, I'm envious of YOU!
You heard me right. You're on the verge of making a life-changing discovery. Because behind THIS door, are the business-building, moneymaking secrets that helped create, launch and sustain my personal fortune – my empire.
P.T. Barnum said, "every man must be the architect of his own fortune." I can't give you YOUR fortune – but I can give you the tools you need, the very ones I used to achieve my outrageous success.
These secrets are gold – Hypnotic Gold!
I only wish I could be there with you as you thrust your own flickering candle into the unknown, catching your first glimpse of the many wonderful things awaiting your discovery!
Just what am I talking about, you ask?
It's the power of Hypnotic conversations!
When I want to learn the best way of doing anything, like making money, marketing, selling or even singing – I go to the source. Not just a book – but the people who wrote the book!
And about eight years ago I began contacting the highest functioning, most successful experts in their respective fields and picked their brains in intense one-on-one interviews. These sessions were recorded, cataloged and placed under the proverbial lock and key of the Vitale Vault.
It's a veritable Fort Knox of moneymaking, life-empowering Hypnotic Gold.
That's 8 years worth … over 90 no-holds-barred moneymaking recordings – including transcripts. Think of them as collected wisdom – available on demand!
These people are the best and brightest, and together we held nothing back – which is no small feat, as they are the most in-demand, difficult to get a hold of group you'll find anywhere – even for me!
But my persistence is your reward!
It's like you're listening in on a personal conversation between me and these experts – because, well, you are. Just wait till you hear all of what they shared with me. It was an eye-opener and absolute thrill.
Who did I contact?
Masters like Dan Kennedy … David Garfinkel … Gene Landrum … and so many more, way more than I could list here – and all at the top of their game.
Geniuses, known and unknown, revealing their innermost secrets!
Together, we explored topics such as copywriting … internet marketing … power persuasion … hypnotic writing and marketing … growing your online business through social media marketing … expanding your mind and shaping your body.
Saying we covered these subjects doesn't do it justice. I dug into them like Carter shoveled through the sands of Egypt looking for buried treasure! And I struck GOLD – Hypnotic Gold!
I was relentless these experts revealed their closest held secrets of success!
These recordings contain the wisdom I've collected over the past eight years to build my own massive moneymaking empire. These secrets have fueled my business, earning me a king's ransom – allowing me to live the life of my dreams…
I bought the house of my dreams…
The cars of my dreams…
The guitars of…well, you get the picture…I even have an ALIEN guitar! I live where I want, drive what I want and play like there's no tomorrow.
And until now, these secrets have only been available to an exclusive group of Hypnotic Gold members – happily shelling out $468 per year (every year for eight long years) for the privilege of getting a peek inside the Hypnotic Gold Vitale Vault.
That's right, I said, until now!
Because NOW – you too can get your hands on all these precious moneymaking recordings for a shockingly low pittance…
As great as these interviews are, that's not the only awesome discovery you'll make behind the closed doors of the virtual Vitale Vault.
With each recording came a highly-prized newsletter – jam-packed with tips and techniques for expanding in all areas of your life. From personal development to marketing and sales – you'll find it all between the virtual pages of your Hypnotic Gold newsletter.
Actual Hypnotic Marketing Case Studies – giving you a ready-made blueprint of how these masters have achieved success using the same techniques you'll discover on the inside…
Get Step-by-Step Hypnotic Marketing Tutorials – leading you by-the-hand through the latest and greatest bleeding-edge marketing success secrets – from mind-expanding exercises to powerful social media marketing.
In-depth Interviews with Top Marketing Experts – Discover how the market leaders, gurus and the most successful among us have solved the greatest marketing challenges – and how YOU can too…
Also, an exciting array of Hypnotic Marketing news, new (and honest) product reviews and success stories from those who've taken a leap of faith – and won…
And so very much more!
Plus, special bonus reports and one-of-a-kind personal empowerment courses sprinkled throughout – uploaded and waiting to be discovered by YOU!
Now, allow yourself to imagine how these 8 years of powerful hypnotic secrets might transform your struggling home-based, or online business into a moneymaking force to be reckoned.
Best of all … to get your hands on these life-empowering secrets of success – you only pay once. That's it, one low price of admission for a LIFETIME PASS to the Hypnotic Gold Success Library!
No monthly billing!
One flat fee … for access to EVERYTHING!
More about that in a moment … but first, let's take a closer look at just a smattering of all the wonderful things you have waiting for you behind the virtual door of the Vitale Vault:

And so very much more (at least 30 more moneymaking recordings)!
These 50 SNEAK PREVIEWS have barely scratched the surface on the treasure waiting inside the Vitale Vault. There's a full 40 MORE ISSUES of Hypnotic Gold that I'll allow you the giddy pleasure of discovering for yourself!
It's an amazing collection, OVER 90 RECORDED CONVERSATIONS! Your toughest decision will be deciding which one of these incredible moneymaking episodes to dive into FIRST!
I wonder how many potential products, like special reports, audio programs and niche courses buried among the gold in the vault have yet to be harvested. Perhaps you'll find the secrets you need to author your own moneymaking info-product strictly from what you discover within these massive Hypnotic archives!
Let's be clear…
Hypnotic Gold was until very recently a monthly membership program delivering exclusive powerful marketing and personal development secrets to Hypnotic Gold Members.
Every month, like clockwork, the members received an audio CD and newsletter packed with the most outrageous marketing and success information designed to expand every area of your life, including your business through hypnotic marketing, while also expanding your mind and spirit with the law of attraction as well as other equally fascinating, often controversial (wait'll you hear my interview with Infomercial Marketing King, Kevin Trudeau) and seldom discussed underground subjects!
Now, the monthly mailings have ceased. The vault has been sealed shut (to everyone else) – but your low one-time payment buys you unlimited access to these stored treasures – for LIFE!
Lucky you – you don't have to wait month-after-month for fresh recordings to be added – they're already there waiting for you! You have access to each and every one with your VIP LIFETIME PASS.
Okay Joe, I agree this is an awesome, inspirational collection with the potential of delivering a fortune by an order of magnitude – so what's the bottom line?
What do I need to do to get unlimited access to the complete Hypnotic Gold library inside the Vitale Vault?
What's it going to cost?
That's the best part!
My Hypnotic Gold members have already paid $468 per year to plunder these secrets. Over 8 years, they've paid in a grand total of $3744 EACH – and when you add the bonus extras, like specialized training courses, exclusive reports and bonus recordings – that pushes the retail value well over $4000!
But take heart – that's NOT what YOU'RE going to pay.
Even at $4000 over 8 years you're only looking at a paltry investment of somewhere in the neighborhood of a buck-thirty per day. Heck, I could afford that living on panhandlers' wages!
But I'm NOT going to ask you to pay that – No way!
I truly want you to possess these secrets.
I want to help you prosper … to see your business soar … streaking-off like a rocket-ship to Mars.
So, here's what I propose: I'm placing a one-time access fee, meaning you pay once – and you get a VIP LIFETIME PASS – on this program for $977. That's little more than 33-cents per day for the same period. A whopping savings of $3023!
But keep reading, I'm not done yet.
I believe in over-delivering – in giving MORE – in fact, its one of the marketing principles that have helped create the success I currently enjoy.
So, I'm reducing this amount. Actually, SLASHING is a better word. You'll NOT pay $4000…or $3744…or even $977…
Because I'm setting the price for lifetime access to the incredible Vitale Vault – and all its wonderful things at only $377!
That's an amazing rock-bottom investment of only 13-cents a day! 13-cents for the same Hypnotic Gold secrets others have shelled out as much at $3744.
Am I nuts?
Maybe…but before you get your credit card out I've got one more shoe to drop.
Yes, I'm doing it again!
For a limited time – a VERY LIMITED TIME – you can get this amazing, life-changing collection; my secret archives of Hypnotic Gold, all the recordings (over 90), all the newsletters and moneymaking special reports for ONLY $97.
That's another $371 off the original cover price for a single year. Forget about 8 years, I'm talking a ridiculously low investment of about a one shiny American Quarter per-day over a single year – POCKET CHANGE – and that's for a LIFETIME ALL-ACCESS PASS!
You've got that kind of change sitting around in an old coffee cup!
But it gets even better…
Because, for the next week I'm offering this very same collection to you at the unheard-of slam-dunk bargain price of NOT $97, but only$39
One week only.
That's ONE payment of $39 and you're in – FOR GOOD! But you better get in now, because you KNOW I can't keep this price for long!
When you complete the simple order form below, you’ll immediately get your private VIP username and password to access your Hypnotic Gold Online Membership Site, including the massive Hypnotic Gold Vitale Vault – packed with unique content guaranteed to activate your hidden moneymaking genius within, almost overnight!
Skeptical? Forget about it! You're protected with my 100% Rock-Solid Hypnotic Gold Money-back Guarantee!
WOW! Over $4000 worth of exclusive secrets designed to ramp-up every area of your life, including your business and professional life. Giving you the inside track on a private source of moneymaking ideas and how-tos like you've never seen before.
That's quite a value – and you might be thinking perhaps it's a little too good to be true. First off, I'd never make an offer I couldn't back up with a solid product delivering everything I promised. But even so, you might have some reservations – even at this bargain-basement pittance of an investment.
So, just to ease your mind – I won't ask you to make your mind-up solid yet. In fact, I'll give you a full 30-days to decide if you think what I'm offering is worth the few cents a day it'll run you.
So , go ahead; take a full 30 days to evaluate everything you find in the massive Vitale Vault. Put these secrets to the test. If after 30 days of listening and absorbing this transformational material, you still think you didn't get a good bargain, if you can't find one, two, ten or a HUNDRED great ideas - I'll cheerfully refund your money – no questions asked. It just wasn't meant for you. And that's okay – its my rock-solid Hypnotic Gold guarantee, fresh from the sands of Egypt to YOU!
What's it going to be?
It's time now for you to make to decide. Like Carter, you can choose to come along, trowel-in-hand, pressing onward, making discoveries and bringing treasures to the world like they've never seen.
Are you going to set yourself apart – taking charge of your life, both personal and professional, using these secrets to release your inner genius, giving yourself the unfair advantage of a super-heroe's portion of persuasion, as well as the marketing acumen of a maven?
After all, that's where the REAL rewards are…
Are you going to plunder the Hypnotic riches inside the virtual Vitale Vault for all they're worth, deploying these hypnotic secrets, exploding your sales, revenues and profits?
Or will you be like this guy … revered among academia – but you've probably never heard of him …
Before Carter, around 1900, an American lawyer became a private sponsor of digs in the same region of Egypt – and once employed Carter for a period of two years.
This man was responsible for discovering nearly 30 ancient tombs – and some pretty spectacular artifacts as well, but nothing as grandiose as what was later discovered in the tomb of the Boy King.
But he grew tired of the dig, wistfully expressing the popular sentiment that the Valley of the Kings had been exhausted, and in the season of 1913 – 1914 he gave up the concession to excavate in that region.
His name was Theodore Davis.
Legend records when Davis pulled out of the Valley of the Kings, his last dig was within 2 meters of discovering the tomb of King Tut – and all its priceless golden bounty!
I wonder how many wonderful discoveries have been missed because someone expressed the mistaken notion that the Valley of the Kings has been exhausted.
You've heard the lament of the nay-sayers:
You can't make money on the Internet…you got in too late…
You can't make money in Real Estate these days…all the best deals have been snapped up…
You can't make money in network marketing… there's already too many people in it already…
The Valley of the Kings has been exhausted …
If only …
Don't you make the same mistake now. YOUR Valley of the Kings is still rich with treasures having never seen the light of day. As I see it, there's really only one choice that makes any sense. You need to take decisive action and go for it. Click on the BIG ORDER BUTTON below and get in while the price is this good. Do it now before it's too late – your treasure is waiting. The time is now – and remember, money likes speed!
PS: Make no mistake; I want you to have the success secrets I've amassed over these past 8 years to help you build your wealth, your fortune, your empire. So, for ONE WEEK ONLY – you can purchase your VIP LIFETIME PASS to the Hypnotic Gold archives, including the over 90 recorded interviews on MP3 and streaming, the Hypnotic Gold Newsletter volumes and all the bonus extras for the ridiculously low-low sum of only $39 bucks!
Go ahead – what're you waiting for – CLICK HERE NOW to complete your order before the price goes up!
PPS: My marketing team is just shaking their heads – they think I'm crazy to let this go so cheap. These recordings are like one-on-one consulting sessions from the top names in marketing, persuasion and personal development – hiring them is OUTRAGEOUSLY EXPENSIVE! My staff has said I should at least consider SEVERELY limiting the number of LIFETIME MEMBERSHIPS – and who knows, perhaps they'll get to me and I'll change my mind – but for now, my show, my rules. Get in while you still can – CLICK HERE NOW
How about a quick peek into the massive Vitale Vault

...and that's only the first 70! The Hypnotic Gold Vitale Vault has over 90 mind bending issues!
Your Hypnotic Gold VIP Membership includes instant digital access only to the incredibly massive, ever growing Vitale Vault which includes over 90 in-depth interviews.
Become an Elite member of our Hypnotic Community right now and you'll immediately get all the benefits of becoming a true Hypnotic Writing, Speaking, Acting & Thinking genius!
You will have an extremely rare opportunity to gain an All-Access Backstage Pass to the massive Hypnotic Gold Vitale Vault containing over 90 of my greatest interviews.
A $2925 Value! + Hundreds of dollars in Bonuses.
What If There Was a Method to Using Words So Skillfully, You Could Make a Person Do Anything You Wanted, Just By Knowing Which Words to Use?
The powerful information you're about to discover places the future of your business and your life for that matter directly into your hands.
Guaranteed to place anyone under your spell, this revolutionary method, and wonderful new publication gives you an unfair advantage over every other person who blindly walks around with outstretched hands, waiting for someone to come and hand them the key to lasting success and prosperity.
What would you do if you possessed the talent to lead your readers to take your every desired action, without you having to open your mouth or ever lift a finger?
Hypnotic Gold makes this mysterious, ancient knowledge of the masters easy to understand, and easy to use almost magically granting you the incredible and unique ability to empower your words with hypnotic influence, impel your readers to take immediate action, get standing ovations every time you speak, and make your customers mindlessly and enthusiastically part with their money!
You may not realize it yet, but you already possess this awesome power.
It's lying dormant inside your veins, waiting and wanting to be brought forward
Once this hidden power within you is activated, your writing is given its own life. Your ability to speak clearly and communicate your thoughts to others will amaze you. You will become a master of Hypnotic Language and will gain the ability to effortlessly command anyone to do your bidding
When your first log in to Hypnotic Gold, you will feel a sense of guilty pleasure.
You will feel your body alive and pulsating with power beyond your wildest and most delightful dreams. Your hands will call out for a pen pressed against paper, or the light speed of a clicking keyboard
Can you imagine hypnotic words spilling from your fingers onto the blank canvas of your web page, blog, e-mail or article?
Or what about speaking so clearly and with an almost mystical power, you hold your audience spellbound, as they hang onto your every spoken word as gospel truth?
When I wanted to learn how to sing like a rock star I sought out the very best teacher I could find and I found him.
Guy Monroe is not only a voice coach, hes an Expression Coach. He doesn't just teach you how to say words and sing them better, he teaches how to express them from the inner core of your being.
His methods are so good that I've recorded two cd's of my very own original music singing on both of them!
My sessions with Guy are priceless. I interviewed him for you and its part of the huge Hypnotic Gold Vitale Vault and you're getting instant access to it.
Joe Vitale weaves a lively, insightful and powerful series of principles that will guide you into writing copy that hypnotically draws your customers to exchange their hard-earned money for your product or service. His new perspective is pure genius.
Joseph Sugarman, Chairman BluBlocker Corporation
I’ve got every single issue of Hypnotic Gold and I use something from the Vitale Vault every day. Whether its improving myself, my family, or my business Joe has covered it in the 7 years of interviews. It’s like having a personal invitation for a secret meeting with Joe and the experts he interviews. It should be called Hypnotic Platinum…it’s that valuable.
Chuck Pennington Harmonic Thought
You will receive the Latest Hypnotic Living Tips & Strategies.
In your first issue, you get the famous:
100% Response Letter!
Your first issue is an extremely rare opportunity to learn masterful marketing principles from a historic sales letter that made every single person who read it respond with their wallet!
In this amazing issue, you receive your very own copy of this historic letter and an hour audio of Dr. Vitale dissecting and explaining exactly why it worked so well. Plus, an 85 page eBook that details the 7 lost secrets of success behind the mastermind who wrote this historic sales letter!
Years from now, this issue of Hypnotic Gold will be a collector's item!
In issue #2 you get:
Secrets of the Bullworker
Your second issue is an extremely rare opportunity to learn mastermind marketing principles from one of the 50 greatest marketers of all time, Drayton Bird!
In this amazing interview, Drayton reveals the exact principles of persuasion, talks about the element of surprise in copy, tells juicy stories about the legends of marketing, and reveals the hidden secrets behind the exercise machine that sold 9,000,000 units!
And if that's the second issue, imagine what I have planned for you in Issue #1!
One truly intoxicating issue of Hypnotic Gold is creating the biggest splash I've ever seen!
How Would You Like To Earn Thousands of Dollars
in Just a Few Weeks Simply Using E-Mail?
in Just a Few Weeks Simply Using E-Mail?
It was the highly-anticipated E-Class Issue where I showed people like you how they could earn $5000 to $15,000 or more in just a few weeks teaching their own E-Class.
Sounds shocking I know.
Even I was shocked when I brought in over $68,000 from my E-Classes!
I took every bit of information that I had about creating highly profitable E-Classes that others paid me $2500 to learn, and put EVERYTHING into that issue of Hypnotic Gold!
Get this!
On top of the newsletter, exclusive interview, and other material, I gave Hypnotic Gold Members access to a 115-page course explaining every single step in detail!
Does it work? See for yourself
My very first day we had over $11,000 in registrations!
I never believed an e-course would sell. Period. I’d watched others promote their programs via internet and wondered how they could be successful, help others, and be a viable way to be profitable.
Then I listened to what Joe Vitale had to say about E-Courses. I said, You’re Kidding, Right?
My very first day we had over $11,000 in registrations. Since then I’ve offered four different courses that are among the most popular programs I’ve ever created. The value given to participants has been enormous and I’ve earned well into the six digits of dollars in the last three years JUST from e-courses.. Why? Joe Vitale said, Do this. Trust me.
I did. Today the programs I offer over the internet are the single most profitable element of my online businesses. Listen to Joe Vitale…Trust ME.
Kevin Hogan Author of The Psychology of Persuasion
I launched my first E-Class quickly and generated $18,298.50
of profit. And it wasn’t a fluke! I launched another one
and $15,000 more in profits rolled inJoe Thanks so much for turning me on to the idea of doing an e-class. This has got to be one of the best ways to make good money online and help students at the same time. I launched my first E-Class quickly and generated $18,298.50 of profit.
And it wasn’t a fluke! I launched another one and $15,000 more in profits rolled in for an E-Class. I just followed your system, did what you said and it definitely works!
Yanik Silver, Internet Entrepreneur SurefireMarketing.com
My first session alone brought in nearly $12,000!
When I heard how much money people were making teaching e-classes, I had to
give it a shot. But I had so many questions I didn’t know where to begin. Questions likeWas I qualified to teach an e-class? What’s the easiest and fastest way to create the material? How much time should I expect it to take? How much should I charge? And most important, could I actually get enough students to make it worth my while?
For over a year I was so overwhelmed I just sat back and watched in disbelief as others made all the money. Then, I got a hold of Joe Vitale’s material on teaching e-classes and all of that changed.
Before I knew it, my questions were answered, my lessons were done, my marketing was underway, and my first session alone brought in nearly $12,000!
For anyone considering teaching an e-class but unsure about how to pull it off, you can stop trying to figure it out for yourself. Joe has already done it all for you. All you have to do is follow the steps and reap the rewards.
Blair Warren Creator of The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion E-Class
My first e-class made over $20,000 and I have done it over and over again with minimal work.
When it came time to offer my first e-class a few years ago, I couldn’t really figure out how to start. Although I am a bestselling author, I found it difficult to put the whole process together.
I mentioned this to Joe Vitale and got his e-course about e-classes. The rest is history. My first e-class made over $20,000 and I have done it over and over again with minimal work. Joe’s method of teaching e-classes is top-notch.
John Harricharan
I've got to admit the E-Class issue of Hypnotic Gold is a massive hit among Members! Dare I mention that I've had students generate over $250,000 from their own E-Class? What about a half of a million dollars? Yes, it's true!
Some called it pure genius!
Speaking of genius that reminds me of another issue of Hypnotic Gold I had created for members.
In that issue, I hosted an exclusive interview with a living Einstein! He is a true genius who has published more than 48 books! In that issue, members learned some incredible methods to increase their IQ, learned how to be more organized, and they learned about incredible mind-expanding methods!
I admit, I was shocked by these methods and really learned a lot myself!
Plus...Members will receive access to the ultimate Hypnotic VIP members only website, which includes dozens upon dozens of Dr. Vitale's top training archives.
Many of which were previously long-lost and out of print. Many of which you would have otherwise had to shell out a big chunk of dough for. ALL of which has made countless others small (and large) fortunes from their application.
Those in the know are calling this the The Vitale Fort Knox because they say it is packed with gold.
Just fill out the form here to have instant access to the Hypnotic Gold membership site forever.
I also understand that I will have an extremely rare opportunity to gain an All-Access Backstage Pass to the massive Hypnotic Gold Vitale Vault containing over 75 of my greatest interviews.
A $2925 Value! + Hundreds of dollars in Bonuses.
Yes! My Hypnotic Gold VIP Membership includes instant digital access only to the incredibly massive, ever growing Vitale Vault which includes over 90 in-depth interviews.
Now That's Incredible!

Dr. Joe Vitale
P.S As this letter comes to a close, imagine how every aspect of your life can dramatically and instantly improve, just by knowing how to live, write, speak and even think hypnotically
Imagine your business and income transforming under the Hypnotic Marketing Power you will soon know and have because of your Hypnotic Gold Membership!