Do You Want to Create Miracles In Your Life?
You'll discover how in Dr. Joe Vitale's newest book The Miracle - Six Steps to Enlightenment! Buy the book today and you'll get an AWESOME Bonus Pack! Scroll down to check it out.
Also get extra cool bonuses when you buy more than one copy!
The Miracle is available now! Go get it!
Get over $6300 in bonuses!

Here's how it works...
Go to and buy The Miracle by Dr. Joe Vitale
Go to by clicking on the "Order On Amazon Now" button below and buy your copies of The Miracle by Dr. Joe Vitale.
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Once you purchased your copies of The Miracle from come back to this page and fill out the form near the top of the page.
You will then be directed to the bonus page and you'll be registered for any of the extra bonuses for buying more than one copy.
You'll receive over $6300 of gifts when you get your copies of The Miracle.

Get multiple copies for your family and friends as Holiday gifts! Invest in a set for your business team!

Check out these awesome, additional gifts when you buy more copies!

Buy at least 1 copy
When you go to Amazon on December 6th and get at least one copy of The Miracle, you will receive over $3000 worth of awesome bonuses!
Including a never-before-seen video series created by Dr. Joe Vitale - The Beginner's Guide to Miracles.

Buy 2 to 99 copies
When you get 2 to 99 copies of The Miracle you will get all of the gifts listed below...PLUS:
You will be able to get on a group mastermind call with Dr. Joe Vitale himself. This is a valuable opportunity to pick Joe's brain and listen in while others do the same.

Buy 100 to 250 copies
When you buy 100 to 250 copies of The Miracle you get a one hour one-on-one call with Mr. Fire himself.
This is a rare chance to be able to work with Dr. Vitale directly.

Buy over 250 copies

When you invest in 250 copies or more of The Miracle you will be awarded with one of Joe's Miracles Mastermind dinner near Austin Texas. You will be treated to an evening of the dining experience of your choice while you, Joe, and Joe's Mastermind Secret Weapon explore anything and everything you desire.
Check it out and for all the details. (*flight and room is on you but mastermind with Dr Joe is on us)
Make sure to tell your friends and family!
"Even if you have heard the concepts before, Joe has a way of presenting them in new, understandable ways. You are going to love this book."
Dee Wallace;
Actress, author, and healer
"In The Miracle, Joe helps us unearth the cause behind our deepest unconscious beliefs and shows us how to transform them…. He helps us create and live miracles every day. "
Susan Shumsky, D.D.;
Award-winning, best-selling author
Check out these awesome gifts!
ONLY available when you go buy a copy of "The Miracle" book today in print, on audio, or for your Kindle reader.

The Beginners Guide to Miracles - Dr. Joe Vitale
An exclusive! Never before seen or sold or released. Only Available here!

This breakthrough online course by Dr. Vitale himself is a multi-part video training. He personally walks you through all the steps of manifesting what you want. It is the simplest, easiest, clearest explanation EVER of miracles and how YOU can attract them.
The course will sell for $195 later, but you can have it today FREE with your purchase of at least one copy of his new book "The Miracle."
This course is priceless and you will LOVE it. Very informal. Very easy to follow.
Only available here today..
Bonus Value: $195

Instant Miracles Mindset - Dr. Scott Lewis and Dr. Joe Vitale
Who Else Wants to Attract Miracles? Now You Can Easily Master Key Principles From Dr. Joe Vitale's Expect Miracles In Just 39 Minutes!

In the Instant Miracles Mindset audio with Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Scott Lewis you will transform your thinking to Attract Miracles in jut 39 minutes using Dr. Vitale's Life-Changing Principles and Dr. Lewis' Powerful Hypnosis System.
The power to change any aspect of your life is completely within your control, but only if you change your thoughts. If you set clear intentions and take action, you too, will experience miracles.
Bonus Value: $39

Dr. Steve G. Jones

Discover the secrets to using responsive design to increase conversions and boost your profits

Discover Abundance
Abundance is something you create for yourself, using the Law of Attraction to get what you want. Once this clean slate is created by removing the stressors and other thoughts that can interfere with achieving goals, the hypnotic process begins to suggest ways to the subconscious on how you can accomplish anything.
This creation of abundance may include being involved in a satisfying relationship, achieving a certain level of wealth, or even improving your physical health. Whatever is important to you and will bring abundance to your life can be accomplished through hypnosis.
Unlimited Confidence
Confidence all begins in the mind. Everything you are, everything you want to be, and everything you will be has to do with the amount of confidence you have. By purchasing this recording, you will be led to your goal with all the confidence that you need. Without even thinking about it, your subconscious mind will feed your conscious mind powerful ideas and goals.
Master Meditation
Meditation takes many forms and can be an effective tool to deepen spiritual growth and personal growth. This Meditation hypnosis MP3 can be used for healing, for controlling stress for blood pressure, pain control, as well as elimination of phobias. There are many metaphors that self hypnosis can adapt for spiritual growth and healing.
Bonus Value: $240

Mitch Van Dusen
Free Awakened Millionaire Challenge from Dr. Joe Vitale.

Experience the life waiting for you in spiritual wealth, turning your passion into spiritual wealth, and making a difference in the lives of others.
Bonus Value: $97

Mark Joyner
The Little Calendar That Brainwashes You <--- MUST HAVE TOOL

This is crazy! My dear friend Mark Joyner and his team at Simpleology have put together one of the most extraordinarily mind-bending tools for personal transformation I have ever seen.
It's so amazing I purchased one for you.
It's *that* important for you to have this.
Bonus Value: $30

Vic Conant
All time classic The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale.

The Strangest Secret is a powerful message from the "Dean of Personal Development" Earl Nightingale. Produced in 1956, this LP record sold more than a million copies, making it the first spoken-word recording to achieve Gold Record status.
Today, it remains one of the most powerful and influential messages ever recorded. It continues to transform the lives of everyone who hears and heeds its advice.
"For all of us, there are turning points in our lives. One of mine was the first time I heard The Strangest Secret in 1964. It was then, and still is, the most powerful and thought provoking message I've ever heard." - Mac Anderson, Founder Simple Truths and Successories
Bonus Value: $140

Brad Yates
Miracles and Enlightenment – an exclusive EFT tapping video to help you lighten up

I want you to have the best life possible – to enjoy an abundance of success, health and happiness – and I know you have it within you to create that.
I also know that making positive changes can be challenging. If you’re feeling stuck, it’s not that there’s something wrong with you, but rather that part of you is likely resisting making changes as a way of protecting yourself. I’m confident that you will find resources here to support you in moving through those blocks, so that you can more easily succeed in any area of life you choose.
The great artist Michelangelo said of his sculptures that they were already there inside the stone… it was just his job to chip away what didn’t belong to reveal the magnificence inside. Basically, he brought out the best in marble. It’s my job to help bring out the best in you.
Bonus Value: $27

Mathew Dixon

"This is the most important relationship in creation, more important than any physical relationship you have”
–Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

From Dr. Joe Vitale
Dear Friend,
Over the weekend of April 17 – 18, 2009, at the Zero Limits III seminar in Austin, Texas, Dr. Hew Len taught what he referred to as “The Inner Child Meditation”. That meditation has become the single most powerful healing tool I have ever used. I found it to be the secret to releasing the negative emotions and blocks that keep us from our own abundance.
Over the years I have been perfecting my own personal approach to this Meditation, by blending Ho’oponopono, Hypnosis and the Law of Attraction.
I asked my good friend, and guitar coach Mathew Dixon if he would help create an original score that would help enhance the hypnotic quality of the meditation. The result is a powerful experience that is beyond anything you could ever imagine.
Bonus Value: $19.95

Susan Shumsky
Welcome to Divine Revelation

You will receive 5 FREE gifts from best-selling, award-winning author Dr. Susan Shumsky.
1. Calming Mini-Meditation: "Awaken to Spirit"
2. Inspiring Lecture: "How to Hear the Voice of Divine Intuition"
3. Life-Transforming Teleseminar: "Healing Psychic Sponge Syndrome"
4. $50-$100 Coupon Towards a Spiritual Retreat, Tour, or Cruise Ship Seminar
5. Special FREE access to our Weekly Prayer Circle, Led Personally by Dr. Susan Shumsky
Bonus Value: $600

Debbi Dachinger
Do you ever feel like you’ve got a book in you? I will show you the system to self-publish your book so you can get it out now and sell your books right into bestseller status, and you can give workshops and training programs…

I’ll Work With You To Turn Your Book Into An International Bestseller So You Finally Gain The Credibility, Help More People, and Parlay Your Book Into Greater Success
- Let Debbi coach you, each step of the way, to quickly and inexpensively create your own international bestselling book or more….
- You will receive audio #5 of a 5-past class series called How to Self-Publish Your Book & Be an International Bestselling Author you’ll get the support and coaching you need to launch and market your book — regardless of your subject matter or whether you’ve ever had a book published.
- Are you ready for a true breakthrough as an author?
- If so, I’ll bet launching your own bestselling book is the game changer you’ve been looking for.
It’s a surprisingly important move to make and doing so can change your life and career forever while also allowing you to help a lot more people. - Whether you are an aspiring author or have already published your first book, this program will be a great benefit to you with the various tools and resources I share that will save you thousands of dollars, save you wasted time, and the writing of a book that just ends up sitting on a shelf with no sales.
- Why Settle For Just Writing a Book When Your Book Can Be a Hit and Create a Name and a Niche for Yourself by Becoming an International Bestseller.
Bonus Value: $199

Debbie Allen

Discover The Best Expert Training All In One Place Over 3 Information-Packed Days!
November 4-6, 2016 in Phoenix, Arizona
Debbie Allen is considered “The Expert of Experts” for a good reason. She is one of the world’s top business and brand strategists who teaches business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, speakers and service providers to dominate the internet with their expertise.
At this event Debbie will be teaching you every day sharing her proven Expert Positioning Formula. Get ready to discover how to become the highly paid go-to expert in your industry. The information you will learn and the high level networking you will experience at the event will blow you away!
Bonus Value: $1997

Connie Ragen Green
Welcome Friends of Dr. Joe Vitale! I Have an Excellent Training Course on Content Marketing as My Personal Gift to You…

I’m Connie Ragen Green and I have been working exclusively online for just over ten years now.
When I first encountered the world of online marketing back in the spring of 2005, I was enthralled with the idea of “making money while I slept”.
I soon discovered that this was hard work and set about to learn as much as I could during my every waking hour. And one part of being an online entrepreneur was glaringly obvious to me immediately…I was going to have to learn how to quickly and easily create content in different formats and then market that content to my target audience in order to build a profitable online business and gain both credibility and visibility.
Bonus Value: $147

Joy Phoenix
Discover How to Instantly Relax!

A 15-minute video to clear stress in less time than it takes to find the Valium online course
It teaches how to relax instantly, keep a clear head no matter what is going on, and has a powerful visualization to clear stress from the body.
Bonus Value: $22

Say Goodbye to Money Struggles, and Hello to a Life of Prosperity and Financial Freedom!

Watch AVAIYA’s brand new free film series, The Truth About Prosperity.
AVAIYA is the creator of several films including A Course in Miracles The Movie, The Tao of Quantum Physics, and Leap! A Quantum Awakening. In The Truth About Prosperity film series, AVAIYA founders iKE ALLEN and Ande Anderson reveal a revolutionary process that helps you finally break free from your limiting thoughts and beliefs around money so you can manifest true prosperity.
Join admired prosperity experts like Joe Vitale, Jennifer McLean, Bob Proctor, and others as they share cutting-edge strategies on creating a life of financial freedom. Regardless of your current financial situation, you will want to catch every minute of this FREE film series!
Bonus Value: $47

Andy O'Bryan
Build a better website using Heart-Felt Marketing.

Andy O'Bryan's Blueprint for a Better Website gives you 15 tweaks you can make to your site that will pull in more clients and customers quickly and easily.
These are handy, user friendly tips that you can put into action right away!
Andy has been writing persuasive web copy for heart centered entrepreneurs for over 10 years.
Bonus Value: $200

Jeanna Gabellini
Mind Meld with Your Inner Business Expert

In this bonus program you’ll discover how to…
- Access Infinite Knowledge about your business
- Easily double your income using this connection
- Tap into your inner marketing genius
- Easily make profitable decisions
- Explode your creativity
Bonus Value: $500

Bill King
Download Bill's incredible book, 7 Days to Inner Peace and start choosing to stay positive in your thinking today.

Also included in the gift package is an article called The Building Blocks of Success and Happiness, free membership to his website, and much more!
Bill is a writer, speaker, and education developer for elementary & middle schools. His website teaches the Law of Attraction from a completely different point of view and has content for children, parents and educators. It's called, and it is built on the premise that negative thoughts stink.
His approach is geared toward Law of Attraction newbies, and he uses humor to break down the barriers many people have to taking full responsibility for the circumstances of their lives.
There's a quiz they can take to check their stink-o-city, tons of easy-to-follow exercises, and even a kindness meter where they can log kind deeds.
Bonus Value: $21.95

Tom Justin
How To Think And Create Like Einstein

Albert Einstein left many obvious clues to the secret of his genius. He said that this was "The only thing." That "thing" was intuition.
While conducting a special course on mind power and intuition at UCLA's Experimental College, Tom Justin discovered a simple technique anyone can use to tap into their natural intuition.
This free PDF and webinar will show you the technique and open your eyes to the a new-found personal power.
"Tom, you've finally cracked the intuition code."
Dr. Joe Vitale
Bonus Value: $97

Gina Battye
Uncover Your Purpose.

Finding and creating your life's work and purpose will bring you more abundance, joy and well-being than any other single action you can take.
Gina Battye guides you through the 10 steps to Uncover Your Purpose and align it with your career.
Bonus Value: $500

Song Chengxiang
The Prosperity Triliminal

Triliminal Is a brand new mind programming audio technology developed by certified brainwave entrainment engineer Morry Zelcovitch.
This particular Triliminal recording is specifically designed to effortlessly change the brain to attract more abundance and prosperity.
Sit back and relax, let the audio to fill your brain up with new empowering beliefs that guarantee success.
Bonus Value: $47

Peter Wink
How to Stop Compromising Your Life Away

As a favor to my good friend Dr. Joe Vitale, in celebration of his new The Miracle book release, I want to gift you a FREE Audio, with no agenda whatsoever called How to Stop Compromising Your Life Away. This audio will teach you what compromise is and how to stop doing it right now.
On top of that...
For the first 20 people who purchase my good friend Dr. Joe Vitale’s The Miracle book --- and write to me directly at my email address on the bonus page --- I’m going to give you a FREE 15-minute telephone consultation. You can discuss anything that’s on your mind relating to compromise, clearing FEAR, depression, stress, or anything else personal development related.
No matter what you decide, please enjoy the How to Stop Compromising Your Life Away audio and enjoy Dr. Joe Vitale’s new book The Miracle.
Bonus Value: $297

Tanya Brockett
Let Joe Vitale’s Editor & Writer Guide You to Living Your Best Life as an Author.

Tanya Brockett, Joe’s editor from Hallagen Ink (, is delighted to offer a FREE Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your Nonfiction E-Book with a BONUS group mentoring call that will inspire you to take action now on your publishing dreams.
Look inside her free gift for $50 OFF per seat in her upcoming Live Your Best Life Now Course (dot com) that will launch in January 2017. It is a perfect time to set intentions for your upcoming success.
“The universe likes speed,” so grab yours today!
Bonus Value: $200

Jillian Coleman Wheeler
Download her ebook, 7 Secrets to Reboot Your Bliss™, the pocket guide to fulfilling all your desires.

Jillian Coleman Wheeler is a writer and mentor with a background in counseling. She is also the creator of Reboot Your Bliss™, a program to guide her clients to greater joy, health, love and prosperity.
Bonus Value: $97

Angela Treat Lyon
If you've been feeling down, dirty, stuck and scared, Angela Treat Lyon knows what it's like and wants to help you get unstuck.

Angela is a master of getting unstuck - she experienced it for years and finally got herself completely free, so now she helps others do it too - rapidly, easily and funly.
Get her Get Unstuck Now Audio MP3 and Cheat Sheet (and a little surprise).
Bonus Value: $99

Jackie Lapin
12 Things A Speaker Cannot Afford to Be Without

Do you want to attract new clients, sell books or change more lives by embarking on or enhancing a public speaking campaign? Then you’ll need every edge to get booked, wow the audience, get rebooked and monetize the results.
To do that there are 12 Things a Speaker Can’t Afford to be Without. Click now to get this valuable guide, and make sure you are irresistible to decision makers!
Bonus Value: $99

Carl Harvey
The Ultimate Creative Visualization Collection

Inside The Ultimate Creative Visualization Collection, you'll discover how to quickly "program" your subconscious for Abundance... effortlessly reach your goals... overcome limiting beliefs... attract money... and manifest your desires... 10x faster.
This is Carl James Harvey's #1 Bestselling Program... which sells every day for $497. But today it's yours, free!
Bonus Value: $497

Tom Pauley
Download The 3 Keys To Success now. Free

Tom Pauley and his daughter, Penelope Pauley, wrote the best seller, “I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am.” , "Quantum Marketing, Unleashing Your Higher Power” and "Quantum Selling: A Revolutionary Course Of Action”.
Tom has prospered in over 40 careers and occupations. His Miracle Secret, “The Three Keys to Success in Any Business” is your free gift along with a year’s email support.
Bonus Value $97

Prema Lee Gurreri
Discover the code that will illuminate your highest value work in the world and wire you for wealth.

Each of us has a Divine Plan for wealth within us, called a Sacred Wealth Code™. It's embedded in our soul's blueprint and accessed through the art and science of Vedic Astrology.
Your Sacred Wealth Code could be the ONE THING that you've been missing to CONNECT you, your work, or your business with the money, purpose, and success drawn for you.
This is where purpose and prosperity meet. The best of us shines and we passionately THRIVE when we live the difference we are here to make... and why we feel frustrated, disappointed, and broken when we're not.
Connect with the FLOW of WEALTH that will set you FREE with the Sacred Wealth Code Guide, Video Training, and Activation Meditation.
Prema Lee Gurreri will walk you through a proven process to discover your code show you how to use it make money doing the work you love.
- Sacred Wealth Code Guide
- Video Training
- Activation Meditation
Bonus Value: $397

Mendhi Audlin
The White Stone Ceremony - A Ritual for a New Beginning

Rituals are powerful tools for awakening. In this hands on video, Mendhi Audlin, author of "What If It All Goes RIGHT?, walks you through a powerful process for releasing the bondage of past thought patterns and emerging into a new and empowering spiritual identity.
A perfect way to start the new year!
Bonus Value: $35

Chuck Pennington

The Harmonic Thought Mastermind Basic Starter kit!

I know you. You’re just like me. All of the following will appeal to you, I’m sure...
- You want to save money
- You want save time
- You want to make more money
- You want to use your valuable time more wisely
- You want to effortlessly progress to the next level in your life or business
I know… It’s frustrating when you have good ideas and you keep working hard at them but your friends, family, and people at your work either don’t want to support you, think you’re ideas are whacked out, or simply they just don’t have time to help.
Sometimes the skill set or advice you need just doesn’t exist in your current circle of friends, family, and co-workers.
You need something more!
You need a Mastermind!